Current Obsession: Gilmore Girls

Monday, January 12, 2015


I have a major confession to make. I cannot stop watching Gilmore Girls. All day. Everyday.

Everyone and their mother has been blogging about their Gilmore Girls obsession, subsequently fueling mine, but hey... if ya can't beat 'em, join 'em, right? Carly from The College Prepster blogged about finding the ultimate Rory Gilmore reading list on Buzzfeed which includes every book that Rory talks about in the series... that is one loooong (339 books) reading list. Has anyone ever attempted this?

This show is just too good to resist. I mean, the cheeky characters from the quaint and quirky little town of Stars Hollow, the presh mother-daughter relationship between Rory and Lorelai, all of Rory's different boys throughout the seasons, LUKE... Everything about this show is absolute, literal perfection.

I've laughed big, hard, loud belly laughs and I've cried big, ugly, Kim Kardashian tears. This show just gives me all of the feels. I never really watched it when it was on air. I would catch reruns after school on ABC Family every once in a while, but I never watched the series unfold from start to finish.

One thing this show has definitely done for me is magnify my coffee addiction. Every time Lorelai says "coffee coffee coffee" or Luke pours a cup into one of his kitchy mismatched mugs, I run to my Keurig, power that baby on, and pop in one of those cute little pods. It just doesn't feel right to watch the show without a cup of my own.

So, I have a question for you all -- who's your favorite Gilmore Girls character? I'd love to know!! I absolutely love Melissa McCarthy, so Sookie has always been a personal favorite.

p.s. I'm currently on Season 5 and I Luke forever and ever. I don't know how the series ends, so don't spoil it for me pleeeease.

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