Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself...

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Holy Cow! Remember me?

It has been far, far, far too long since I've sat down to write. I think it's about time that we resurrect this sweet little abandoned blog ... What do ya say?

Since we've last seen each other, a lot has changed. Life got a little bit crazy there for a second, but I'm back! I figured I'd spend this morning catching you up on some of the changes. So, grab a cup of coffee and catch up with me!

- I got a new job! After a lot of back and forth about making a career jump, I bit the bullet and took a job with a company that I am head over heels obsessed with! I can't imagine working anywhere else.
-I moved! I'm now only a short walk or uber ride away from my favorite spots in the city (the art museum, Bakersfield, and 1215 to name a few)
-I found a new workout routine that I LOVE! (And can't wait to rave about in a later post) Thanks, Allison!
-I turned 25! I'm now officially a quarter of a century old.... Eek! Just kidding.. Aside from my hangovers reminding me that I'm not 22 anymore every time I drink, 25 isn't so scary.
-I stopped going to Starbucks (with the exception of the occasional cup of tea or midday Americano) If you know me, you know this is maaaaajor!
-I dyed my hair for the very first time (well... Sorta... I put some balayage highlights in there cuz why not?)
-I traveled to Vegas for the first time with my best friends and almost married two men named Michael (I think) -- aren't you proud, mom?

And honestly some things are exactly the same...

-Cupcakes and champagne are STILL my love language
- I STILL go through the McDs window for a Coke over ice
- I STILL have a love/hate relationship with The Bachelor
-I STILL monogram everything
-I STILLcannot function before 8am without a cup of coffee
- I STILL love Taylor Swift
-I STILL love mac&cheese
-...and I STILL have a (many) bottle (bottles) of wine on hand for any impromptu emergency or celebration (HEY! Sometimes you need to pop a bottle of bubbly to celebrate on a Tuesday simply because you made it through the day without wanting to punch anyone in the face! - don't lie, we've all been there.)

SO much more has changed since last January, and TBH I feel like a brand new person when I think back to last year...BUT! One thing is for certain, I am so glad to be back here writing and sharing my life with you! 

I'll see you all on Thursday with a brand new post!


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